Friday, March 12, 2010

Final Project Proposal

I would like to create a CALL activity which helps learners with connecting their listening to speaking, especially conversation. The CALL tools I will be using are listening website which provides real conversation-based listening, and discussion space where learners can chat not only with each other, but also with native English speakers in other countries.

elllo (
ESL listening lab (
Nicenet (
The first two will be used for listening activity, and the third will be used for discussion about the listening.

The intended audience of this activity is intermediate to advanced level English learners who are interested in improving their conversation ability. The purpose of this activity is to connect what they learned from the listening to communication. In the class, learners first listen to the story from the website, and then do some listening exercises. At the same time, learners are encouraged to pick up words or expressions that they think will be helpful for English conversation. Each listening websites are designed based on real conversation, so learners will find many useful expressions. After the listening, discussion about the listening will be set on the Nicenet, and learners are guided to chat on it, using the expressions that they have learned from the listening. Also, native English speakers from other countries will be asked to join the discussion, so that learners will be able to communicate with them. The topics will be related to learners’ real life, so that they can make comments easily. This CALL lesson will enhance language acquisition, especially for convey meaning in conversation, since it provides many chances for both input and output conversational expressons in appropriate context.

I might also use this website to create chat space.


  1. Great project idea. This is a nice merging of separate online tools to support listening/speaking skills. You're actually proposing a type of "mashup."

  2. Please make sure you have links to your classmates' blogs somewhere on the sidebar of your blog!
